Lammermuir Community Fund (CELCA) is funding the above training courses over the course of the next couple of months.

This post is being circulated In order to determine the number of local residents who wish to attend the training, as well as the best timing and location for the training. Both training courses will be held on a Saturday during the next 6-8 weeks at either Cranshaws or Longformacus Village Hall. They will be delivered by a local First Responder.

An accredited Defibrillator Training Course lasting 2 hours will be provided for a maximum of 20 people, so there should be plenty of places for everyone who wants to attend.

In addition an accredited First Aid Training Course will run, if we receive applications from 5 or more people. This course lasts a full day (6 hours) and includes the Defibrillator Training that is covered in the other course.

Please reply to this post if you would like to attend either of the training courses, indicating which you would like to do, along with your name and full contact details.

The deadline for responses, which should be sent to the Herald, is 5pm Friday 10th September.

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