Flora and fauna
The National Biodiversity Network can be accessed to find out which species of animals and plants can be found anywhere in the UK.
For the Lammermuirs, follow the link below, then click on the species or group to see where they have been recorded.
This is a link to “A short Flora of Berwickshire 2014”
by Michael E Braithwaite, Vice-county Recorder for the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland.
Click on an event below to find out more:
The birds that characterise the Lammermuirs are moorland species, such as Red Grouse, Curlew, Peewit, Skylark and Short-eared Owl, waterbirds including Kingfisher, Dipper, Sandpiper and Greylag Goose. There are several species of raptor present: Buzzard, Osprey, Merlin Sparrowhawk and Goshawk. Woodcock are common, and, of course, Pheasants!
Mammals in the Lammermuirs include Roe Deer, Otter, Mountain Hare (shown), European Hare and numerous species of small mammals.
Find out why Berwickshire and the Whiteadder are important in discovering the evolution of land-dwelling vertebrates: Click here