
Performing and visual art events for the community

LammermuirLive (formerly known as Watch Promotions) is run by a small group of local people with the aim of organising concerts, theatre and visual arts events in the area. With the help of funding from CELCA it is possible to engage well known artists and groups, including international performers such as Karine Polwart and travelling theatre groups from across the country. Take a look at the Past Events page to get a flavour! Ticket prices are subsidised and some events are even run free of charge.

All events are publicised via this website, The Herald (the local email system), on Facebook and the display of posters locally – so keep an eye out for upcoming gigs and performances. We usually run a bar at events to help them go with a swing!

LammermuirLive runs events in both village halls and has its own sound and lighting systems. So, if you are a performer looking for a venue, then please get in touch via the Contacts page or by using the email address below. We would love to talk to you!

If you would like to get involved with LammermuirLive, the organising group is always looking out for local people to contribute ideas and assistance, then please email the Secretary at More helpers = more events!


Click on an event below to find out more:

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