Lammermuir Community Council & CELCA
These pages concern the Lammermuir Community Council (LCC) and the Cranshaws, Ellemford, Longformacus .Community Association (CELCA)
In Scotland, Community Councils are voluntary organisations set up by statute by the Local Authority, in our case, Scottish Borders Council, and run by local residents to act on behalf of its area. As the most local tier of elected representation, Community Councils play an important role in local democracy. Community Councils are comprised of people who care about their community and want to make it a better place to live. As well as representing the community to the local authority, Community Councils facilitate a wide range of activities which promote the well-being of their communities.
LCC represents residents of Cranshaws, Ellemford and Longformacus and outlying areas. For further information relating to the community council or CELCA please email:
Click on an event below to find out more: