by Johnny Fisher | Sep 9, 2021 | expired
For those of you who are interested in the Tour of Britain or alternatively, simply wish to avoid the associated disruption, please find attached the official timetable for stage seven, including the roads from Duns to Gifford, on Saturday 11 September. Local yellow...
by Johnny Fisher | Sep 9, 2021 | expired
WHITEADDER WATERSPORTS CENTRE Level 1 dinghy sailing course with Andrea ON Tues 21st till 23rd Sept. Times: 10am until 3pm or all 3 days. 6 adults in Picos if agile … or 3 in a bigger boat. There is another female instructor until the 20th Sept if there are 6 that...
by Johnny Fisher | Sep 3, 2021 | expired
Lammermuir Community Fund (CELCA) is funding the above training courses over the course of the next couple of months. This post is being circulated In order to determine the number of local residents who wish to attend the training, as well as the best timing and...