12.30pm on SUNDAY 12th DECEMBER 2021
The Lammermuir Community Workshop is funded by the Lammermuir Community Fund (LCF). It offers the opportunity to use various quality woodworking tools and machines. It began in 2012 and a good number of people made use of the equipment. Unfortunately, more recently its use has dwindled and at present it is no longer sustained.
We’d like to know If there’s sufficient interest to re-open the facility and put it on a sustainable footing. If so, a new committee could be formed to ensure the safe operation of the workshop -then it could be made available again to local residents. A number of matters must be addressed if a viable future is to exist for this valuable local resource.
Come along and see the tools and equipment that are available, learn a little about the history of the workshop from some of those who have been involved in the past. Visiting does not mean you are obliged to join a committee!
Soup and rolls will be available and activities for children that need to accompany their parents will be available. The meeting will last an hour at most.
If you are interested in coming along, please reply to the Herald to give us an idea of likely numbers. If you are interested but can’t come on the 12th, please let us know, and we will keep you up-to-date with any developments.
The Community Workshop is at the Old Whitchester Sawmill on the Ellemford – Longformacus road, 200m up from Rigfoot Farm. Look for the mobile phone mast located in the Yard.
Signs will be on the road.